50 Years of beautiful flowers

Grant's Florist WaterFORD


Welcome into our world of flowers. We are so proud that for almost 50 years, so many of you have called us your florist.

Our little flower shop is a very busy place, located on Keane’s Road in Waterford City. It’s always a hive of activity, full of fresh flowers & beautiful scents! We offer a warm, friendly welcome and over the years our lovely loyal customers have become known to us and it’s wonderful because they bring back family and friends.

We strive always to provide excellent value, quality & service and also the WOW factor! We like to pride ourselves on keeping a wide variety of beautiful fresh blooms in varying colours in stock on a day to day basis.

Some of our best selling arrangements 

Vibrant Surprise from €55.00Buy Now
Soft & Sweet from €45.00Buy Now
Tutti Frutti from €55.00Buy Now
Pink Surprise from €65.00Buy Now